Ronaldo Pellicano, from Ouro Fino, Minas Gerais. Music producer, pianist, composer and arranger, Ronaldo lived in Belo Horizonte from 1969 to 1992.
There he studied piano and composition at the Fundação de Educação Artística and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, with professors such as H.J. Koellreutter, Paulo Sérgio Guimarães Álvares, Celina Cervinski, Marco Antônio Guimarães (Group Uakti). Ronaldo has played with various artists: Marcus Viana’s band Sagrado Coração da Terra, Uakti, Juarez Moreira, Daniel Claster (EUA), Cleber Alves (DE), Titane, Tadeu Franco, Ana Cristina, Márcio Gato and others.
Based in São Paulo since 1992, Ronaldo also played with Vânia Bastos and Péri. In 1998 he opened Ouvir studios in Vila Madalena, in partnership with guitarist Maurício Cersósimo. Later on, Ouvir would become OuvirBrasil, where the studio offered music production for advertising, political marketing, soundtrack creation for TV series and theatrical pieces. Ronaldo also works as a voice over artist for TV, Radio and institutional videos.
His career began in Political Marketing in the Fernando Collor de Mello campaign in 1989 – “The keyboard player who laid down tracks for campaign programs during the midnight hours in the SSV editing rooms in Belo Horizonte and later in Brasilia.”
As a seasoned music director in political marketing, he has 33 years of experience in 25 major campaigns and dozens of jingles and advertising pieces created and produced for as many campaigns in Brazil. (See Principal Campaigns)